Thursday, October 27, 2005

Gender discrimination [case 2]

Now I just gonna keep this simple with 2 screenshots of a page from a IT online forum, This is the Tech Support section, where users create a thread, or topic regardng his problems and others, normally people with good knowledge in computer hardware and software, will reply to assist the problem.

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Next, we'll see another similer thread

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Personally i was shock to see the former thread as well. As u can see in both screenshot, its typical that in the replies in tech support threads are very low, simply because not many are good in helping out problems, expecially those complicated ones. And once someone post the solution, it isnt logical for others to go repeating the same stuff.

But there we have it, and i could hardly believe my eye. members suddenly became very tech savy, they were all so professional that they could create 14 pages, 267 replies worth of solution to a simple problem of a simple software.

Anyway I refuse to brainstorm on what happend to all of them the next day when came another person with a problem of the same software.

Guess what, the next time a girl wants to ask for tech support, for instant replies, don't forget the word "girl" in u'r topic title. Include u'r best picture in u'r avatar and u'll even have a 2nd version of u'r topic. (The forum only allows a maximum of 2500 replies in a topic, further discussion have to preceed in the second thread, normally tag as 2nd version)

Happy foruming guys

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Truth and fiction.

Both truth and fictions are worlds apart, one exist, the other are just a mear imagination of human mind. But what's awkward is that human tend to "see" more fiction that truth. Its sort of like, reading the wrong signal, wanting to see something that isn't there. I've seen many such cases by just reading at forums, and i have to admit that i still scumble to such problems.

I couldn't help but to wonder why do I sometimes sees things that isn't real, but just turn out to be something that i wish to see. Sometimes my mind just plays trick on me, illusions. Whats worst, its so good at creating reasons and excuses that, well, isn't true at all. I keep giving myself excusses, trying to stay positive, trying to be optimistic. Yes, optimistic's the word, and it puts me on a backfoot. There's just so much to loose and nothing to gain sometimes.

But of course i ain't realize it all till, well, oftent its too late. Man, i just want (need) to think with my mind, not my heart, not being influence even, for that matter. I do agree that sometimes, I'm kinda weak to face the truth, and perhaps, maybe, I subconsiously search for reasons to think on the "positive" side, while missing out evidence that clearly shows its, well, just a plain truth, simple as that.

It took me so long to find out it's right
There in front of me
Too close to see
What I thought was true
I see right through what's killing me

There's no solution
Give me truth to my conviction
Is my own confusion
Reality or fiction
Am I out of my mind

So maybe nothing else will ever be so clear
Or maybe that's only my fear
If just for one day I wish I could disappear
Just take me far from here

-There's No Solution, Sum 41

Monday, October 24, 2005


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Finally the most anticipated PC game has arrive in my computer, putting my GF 6800 to full use. I must admit that this game at times pretty freaks me out. A girl in dark appers before u all of a sudden isn't really a pleasant experience. But its very enjoyable, no doubt about it. This isn't the first horror game that i played before, but certainly its the first First Person Shooter horror that i've played. That makes it a entirely different experience as compare to the silent hill series, as that was a 3rd person shooter game, and therefore the perspective is entirely different.

But hey, man I enjoy freaking myself out like this, and this has to be one of the best First Person Shooter game to date. But still, the horror of this game is not compareable by any means to the rel life horror that i'm about to face next week. The horror of my exam result being release next week.

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Sunday, October 23, 2005


Rag doll, is being defined as "a limp, ineffectual person" at (Heh, god knows since when i started using online as my dictionary.) And some define it as
home made doll build out of scrapt materials or unwanted cloths.

Anyway, what interest me more is ragdoll physics. This is a feature in modern game engine. Ragdoll physics determines how a man body reacts when he 'dies" that is when it falls on the ground. It determins how the body parts, hands and legs, swing as the body bounce off wall, rolls off a cliff and lies on the ground. It, of course consist of complicated calculation that utilizes modern day computing power.

Now how many gamers out there actually notice that its ragdoll physics that's at work? Of course we do notice that "wow, the body bounce off realistically." but not many does says "wow, the ragdoll physics is very good. Meh its so great." On the cpu side, ragdoll physics are only being run when it's needed, where unlike grahic which takes up processing power all the time. else it'll remain unknown to the CPU, just sits aside being overshadow by AI and other physics calculation.

Wow, now isn't it that ragdoll physics == rag doll?
Meh, sucks being a ragdoll.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Happiness that comes in a box

Finally, I've got my graphic card upgrade, and perhaps the last upgrade for this computer of mine. And the card I've gotten is a very capable card, bringing new porcessing power to my computer to handle the latest games the way it's meant to be played. And yes, the experience of running this card is priceless. Whoever says happiness can't be bought...ok, not the ultimate happiness, but duh, more on that later.

Here are some shots of it, if anyone's interested.

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My old card, ATi Radeon 9600 Pro LE, it had serves me well all this while.

And the card that I've gotten was a Galaxy Glacier 6800 (GeForce 6800)

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A great happiness that comes in a simple, unattractive box. Don't judge a hardware by its packaging

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It's a long card, being cooled by Artic's Glacier GPU Cooler. Note that all RAM chip are being cooled as well.

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Bundled stuff. Nothing remarkable, just a copy of an original game, Nascar 2004.

It's been a week since, and I've completed FarCry and now playing through Half Life 2 game, just to test if there's any defect. But so far it's all good after so much tweaking and stuff. Finally, phew.

Now this is a very enjoyable experience, for me of course. Not everyone has the capabilities of enjoying such stuff. You've gotta be a gaming geek and graphic whore to enjoy it. It's been very entertaining, and I'd say its worth every buck i splash out on it. Real life happiness can't be bought with money, it comes easy for some, and hard for the rest. Some might not even make the break in it. But there are certain type of happiness that can be bought, and this happiness comes from the satisfaction of owning something we wanted all along, something that can be bought with money.

That's life, there's always a compromise. Good thing don't come easy, and things that comes easy aren't always the best.

Enjoy your pixel.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Things are better when its gone?

Meh, I hate to admit it but during my last semester break, which stretch on for 8 weeks, i was bitching all over about it. But now if given the chance, I'd sometimes wish that i'd have those kinda holidays again. But that ain't the case anymore, not even a weeks break. Looking at the academic calander, which gets shitty as u moves down the list, there ain't any mid-semester break, not even in the 14 weeks stint. And the semester break has been, back to the sissy 3 weeks long.

Now I wish I'd enjoy, and spend those 2 months break much more constructively. But i can't help but to wonder why I bitch so much about it and when its all gone, i miss it all too much. Dammit.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


The usual sem break is here. Still feel kinda erm...awkward spending my days playing games, watching movies, shows, and online stuff, all without studying at all. I'm not a hardcore student, not even medicore....but it does feels strange. perhaps part of me is worried that I might get use to it that when my study life resumes, well, i'll find it hard to get back to it. Hey, its always easier to leave study life then getting back into it.

Anyway, i'm not sure I've i've spended my time constructively. I manage to, finally, get my hands on a new video card for my PC, a much faster one of course. And what's significant, when i install it, something tells me it was way to easy, that there wasn't any hiccups, just plug it in and it all run well, too easy indeed. And as always, my instinct was right again. Problem started to pop up here and there, corrupted video playback, and graphic artifect everywhere. Though I must admit it was all a result of my tweaking, heh. But heck, instead of spending the last few days enjoying it, i wasted all my time trying to troubleshoot one problem after another.

Ah, next week will be the second week. By third week, result will be out, and oh well, my now-customary needing to study for all the wrong reason. Meh, it sucks. Oh oy, one more week left.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drench in my pain again
Becoming who we are

As my memory rest
But never forget what I've lost
Wake me up when September ends...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

You've came a long way baby

Happy 10th Anniversary !

Just recently, the Sony's gaming console PlayStation had celebrated it's 10th birthday. Debuted in 1994 in Japan and the rest of the world in 1995, this gaming console was the turning point in the world of electronic gaming. It was the first 3D display capable game rig, marking a huge transition in terms of graphic. This graphic transition was a head turner and it opens up the world of gaming to a wider audience. Sony has since shipped up to 100 million PlayStation.

When it was first release, 3D gaming wasn't a norms, and it wasn't after sometimes when developes are able to take full advantage of its processiong capabilities. In the early days, games were in 2D display mode, clearly under-utilizing it's capabilities.
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Gaming makes you feels like you're living in the world of comics, quite literally.

Then as time passes, developers learns new technique in 3D rendering technology and so turning the PlayStation into a full blown 3D gaming rig. But this was just the begining of the world of real time 3D rendering.
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The ever Pretty Hot And Tempting Jill Valentine...not. She looks like a walking mannequin being build out of cardbox. But hey, at least she wasn't a walking picture.

By the end of it's lifespan, the graphic capabilities were pretty much at its peak point, and there wasn't any more room for improvement. Nevertheless, a game isn't a sigh seeing simulator. Games with new impressive gameplay technique continues to be release such as the ever popular RPG Final Fantasy series and my personal all time favourite, Parasite Eve II.

After the release of PlayStation 2 console, the PlayStation slowly died off, as developers begin to jump on to the new, much more powerful platform base on the Emotion Engine. And my set of PlayStation died off as well, literally though. And due to my long runs of unluckyness with console, I never went on to PlayStation 2. I left the genre of RPG, and to some extend, 3rd person action advanture. I started to focus on PC gaming, with my P3 and later on a P4 base system, which stills runs now as we speak. First Person Shooter is my main genre now.

First Was Always The Best
Just like many movies sequal where none of it beats the first original movie, PlayStation brought a revolution that, in my opinion, was the biggest up to date, which was the transition from 2D graphic to 3D graphic. All later console, PlayStation 2 and the upcoming PlayStation 3, just makes it more and more perfect. There wasn't any revolution in terms of gaming concept. Although currently, many people still goes ohh ahh over graphic (and thus everyone tries to judge the console even before actually getting their hands on it), this won't last too long according to the high priest of game graphic John Carmack, the genius programmer who brought us the DOOM series. In a few years time, gaming platform will have all the processing power it needs, and graphic will get as real as it needs to. So then, everyone will have to start looking for new ways to further revolutionise the gaming platform for any chance of getting people to buy their PlayStation 5 XD

It's Been A Long Way
These days, computers processing powers are so far ahead. But while we continues to droll over graphic that is day by day, getting closer to reality, consoles like PlayStation will never be forgotten, at least not by current generation of games. And I'm glad that I was one of those who played it once.

And here's a look at what these days computer are capable of
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Paradise on earth...well almost. A beautiful beach is so incomplete without those girls in skimpy outfit. What's worst, we have some gun tooting hunk instead. Even staring at him in a funny way gets you to hell, literally.

Happy 10th birthday to my late PlayStation

Friday, October 07, 2005

Freedom? Maybe not...

The break is here, this semester is officialy so yesterday. So this is my new freedom. But funny I don't feel all that much different. I didn't do any happy dance after the paper, nor did I set up any big plans for the holidays. Coz I know that I'll have to face the book even during the breaks, for all the wrong reason.

If u asked me, right now, I just feel like recaping the whole of last sem, there's just so much to say, yet I have no thoughs about it...Maybe I don't know what to say about it. I just did lots of mistake, that I wish I could erase.

Anyway happy holiday to all MMU students, if any's reading this XD

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Multitasking life....If only it could.

There are just one of those days where the wall seems to close in on you, when everything went wrong and nothing is right. Its really hard for me to comprehend when a series of endless problems come hitting me in the face. And this thought crossed my mind. Why can't those problems just spread out to a few days?

Meh, life should be like a multicore processor, workload being shared among different core, making life easier.

Oh well, life's a pain. And I'm learning how to learn to live with it. I'm still looking for the remedy. I think it'll comes in a from of silicon codename NV40. But let's just put that aside first. 5 more days man....5 more days.....