Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Wish Tonight

If I could have anything in the world tonight, I would like to have one of my closest friend in the whole wide world, and probably the only one left, to forgive me.

Its probably the hardest thing for me, I'm just another insignificant person shrunken by time. But this friendship meant the world to me, more than this person would ever know.

The sad thing is this is probably the reason why things could got this bad. Sometimes when a person meant that much to us, the fear of losing a person out-weights reality and all senses that it becomes the very reason we pushed away that person.

Its one of the worse way for something to turn around like that, to have this person forever hates you and sees you negatively for all the things that you never meant to do. But who am I to have anyone trust me that much? I never was able to be that person to anyone for them to trust me enough to know that I would not have meant to do those things.

That's the problem with me. That is why seeking forgiveness is something almost impossible for me.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Despite my best effort, I was unable to prevent myself from being museum bound. I guess I knew all along that I would have been helpless in preventing this, I just hoped it wouldn't had came to this.

That's how it's always been with me. I'm just like this old collective memory, an old painted picture that loses its relevance over time and eventually, its just gets taken off the wall as a whole bunch new ones are put up, among some old timeless favorite.

I'm just wasn't good enough to be either...

Hell I don't know if I'm even good enough to sit in the storehouse of old forgotten memories, or I'll just get dump into the shredder, heh.

Life's a road that's anything but sure
It's easy to forget
Sometimes we just forgets

I hope I won't forget...

Well, my world's a smaller one
There's lesser of what's in it
And more to what's in it
Guess I won't forget
I know I won't forget...

Monday, December 07, 2009

An image taken from post secret site recently.
(I do not own the rights to this image)

The funny thing is it describe me perfectly

In a good way, I guess its strange to know that there are people out there going though the similar situation in their life, whatever the circumstances were.

I hope we will all be alright someday, somehow, no matter how bad this path we're given feels like right now.

Happiness is just a luxury in life, one that not everyone is lucky enough to have it. Some of us just have to do without one. It is what it is.

Come to think about it, I think we will be...