You've came a long way baby
Happy 10th Anniversary !

Just recently, the Sony's gaming console PlayStation had celebrated it's 10th birthday. Debuted in 1994 in Japan and the rest of the world in 1995, this gaming console was the turning point in the world of electronic gaming. It was the first 3D display capable game rig, marking a huge transition in terms of graphic. This graphic transition was a head turner and it opens up the world of gaming to a wider audience. Sony has since shipped up to 100 million PlayStation.
When it was first release, 3D gaming wasn't a norms, and it wasn't after sometimes when developes are able to take full advantage of its processiong capabilities. In the early days, games were in 2D display mode, clearly under-utilizing it's capabilities.

Gaming makes you feels like you're living in the world of comics, quite literally.
Then as time passes, developers learns new technique in 3D rendering technology and so turning the PlayStation into a full blown 3D gaming rig. But this was just the begining of the world of real time 3D rendering.

The ever Pretty Hot And Tempting Jill Valentine...not. She looks like a walking mannequin being build out of cardbox. But hey, at least she wasn't a walking picture.
By the end of it's lifespan, the graphic capabilities were pretty much at its peak point, and there wasn't any more room for improvement. Nevertheless, a game isn't a sigh seeing simulator. Games with new impressive gameplay technique continues to be release such as the ever popular RPG Final Fantasy series and my personal all time favourite, Parasite Eve II.
After the release of PlayStation 2 console, the PlayStation slowly died off, as developers begin to jump on to the new, much more powerful platform base on the Emotion Engine. And my set of PlayStation died off as well, literally though. And due to my long runs of unluckyness with console, I never went on to PlayStation 2. I left the genre of RPG, and to some extend, 3rd person action advanture. I started to focus on PC gaming, with my P3 and later on a P4 base system, which stills runs now as we speak. First Person Shooter is my main genre now.
First Was Always The Best
Just like many movies sequal where none of it beats the first original movie, PlayStation brought a revolution that, in my opinion, was the biggest up to date, which was the transition from 2D graphic to 3D graphic. All later console, PlayStation 2 and the upcoming PlayStation 3, just makes it more and more perfect. There wasn't any revolution in terms of gaming concept. Although currently, many people still goes ohh ahh over graphic (and thus everyone tries to judge the console even before actually getting their hands on it), this won't last too long according to the high priest of game graphic John Carmack, the genius programmer who brought us the DOOM series. In a few years time, gaming platform will have all the processing power it needs, and graphic will get as real as it needs to. So then, everyone will have to start looking for new ways to further revolutionise the gaming platform for any chance of getting people to buy their PlayStation 5 XD
It's Been A Long Way
These days, computers processing powers are so far ahead. But while we continues to droll over graphic that is day by day, getting closer to reality, consoles like PlayStation will never be forgotten, at least not by current generation of games. And I'm glad that I was one of those who played it once.
And here's a look at what these days computer are capable of

Paradise on earth...well almost. A beautiful beach is so incomplete without those girls in skimpy outfit. What's worst, we have some gun tooting hunk instead. Even staring at him in a funny way gets you to hell, literally.
Happy 10th birthday to my late PlayStation

Just recently, the Sony's gaming console PlayStation had celebrated it's 10th birthday. Debuted in 1994 in Japan and the rest of the world in 1995, this gaming console was the turning point in the world of electronic gaming. It was the first 3D display capable game rig, marking a huge transition in terms of graphic. This graphic transition was a head turner and it opens up the world of gaming to a wider audience. Sony has since shipped up to 100 million PlayStation.
When it was first release, 3D gaming wasn't a norms, and it wasn't after sometimes when developes are able to take full advantage of its processiong capabilities. In the early days, games were in 2D display mode, clearly under-utilizing it's capabilities.

Gaming makes you feels like you're living in the world of comics, quite literally.
Then as time passes, developers learns new technique in 3D rendering technology and so turning the PlayStation into a full blown 3D gaming rig. But this was just the begining of the world of real time 3D rendering.

The ever Pretty Hot And Tempting Jill Valentine...not. She looks like a walking mannequin being build out of cardbox. But hey, at least she wasn't a walking picture.
By the end of it's lifespan, the graphic capabilities were pretty much at its peak point, and there wasn't any more room for improvement. Nevertheless, a game isn't a sigh seeing simulator. Games with new impressive gameplay technique continues to be release such as the ever popular RPG Final Fantasy series and my personal all time favourite, Parasite Eve II.
After the release of PlayStation 2 console, the PlayStation slowly died off, as developers begin to jump on to the new, much more powerful platform base on the Emotion Engine. And my set of PlayStation died off as well, literally though. And due to my long runs of unluckyness with console, I never went on to PlayStation 2. I left the genre of RPG, and to some extend, 3rd person action advanture. I started to focus on PC gaming, with my P3 and later on a P4 base system, which stills runs now as we speak. First Person Shooter is my main genre now.
First Was Always The Best
Just like many movies sequal where none of it beats the first original movie, PlayStation brought a revolution that, in my opinion, was the biggest up to date, which was the transition from 2D graphic to 3D graphic. All later console, PlayStation 2 and the upcoming PlayStation 3, just makes it more and more perfect. There wasn't any revolution in terms of gaming concept. Although currently, many people still goes ohh ahh over graphic (and thus everyone tries to judge the console even before actually getting their hands on it), this won't last too long according to the high priest of game graphic John Carmack, the genius programmer who brought us the DOOM series. In a few years time, gaming platform will have all the processing power it needs, and graphic will get as real as it needs to. So then, everyone will have to start looking for new ways to further revolutionise the gaming platform for any chance of getting people to buy their PlayStation 5 XD
It's Been A Long Way
These days, computers processing powers are so far ahead. But while we continues to droll over graphic that is day by day, getting closer to reality, consoles like PlayStation will never be forgotten, at least not by current generation of games. And I'm glad that I was one of those who played it once.
And here's a look at what these days computer are capable of

Paradise on earth...well almost. A beautiful beach is so incomplete without those girls in skimpy outfit. What's worst, we have some gun tooting hunk instead. Even staring at him in a funny way gets you to hell, literally.
Happy 10th birthday to my late PlayStation
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