Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Independence day....un-independence mind

Yeah, today was the independence day of my country. Huzzaaa, big deal. I wasn't a patriotic guy at all, and so i didn't celebrate it, but instead doing other better stuff with my friends, which is so much more worth it. Anyway, on my way home, I saw how patriotic other citizens were, which (should) make ashame of myself. They were carrying flag everywhere their vehicle, showing their love for the country at the cost of their petrol (outrageous number/size flag creats lots of drag).

But well, that's as far as their brilliantness goes. Carring an oversize flag on a minature bike is one thing, but their bonehead-ness showed in their road-manners. Over-rev-ing their bike is a real dumb hobby as it puts mechanical stress on the engine, thus bringing it one step closer towards the junk yard. And petrol these days isn't cheap. And oh, did I mention all of this were before the lights turn green? Yeah, 5 second of revving without going places. Nut case.

Ah, not that I'm complaining that they have this kind of stone-age mentallity. The more backwards they go, the better off the sane citizens are.

Nuff of that. I'm real tired today. One round of Counter Strike Source and I'm off to bed.


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