Saturday, August 20, 2005

Makes no difference

Strange stuff, i read on the papers the other day about this 13th zodiac sign. In this system, my birthday puts me as a Gemini, while in the common one, I'm a Cancer. Read, I have two different zodiac sign XD.

So well, does this means I can choose? Heck certainly I'd very much like to see if being a Gemini can brings a much happier life to me. Oh well, I don't believe in this crap actually, but hey, I'm begining to sound so pathetic eh?

Haiz...I'm just looking for some good luck. Just a little would have make all the difference. Sigh. What thing I do that could have gone right?

Social skills, I always tried to improve on that, but instead of making more friends, I'm loosing it. My studies, each sem passes, the hill i had to climb is getting steeper and yet, I'm always going downhill instead. Yeah, the steeper it gets, the faster I'm going down hill, makes sense, ain't it? Gaming is a addiction I can never get off its hook. And oh, the worst of all, day in day out, I've tell myself to stop bitching about it. Oh well, it's another ops I did it again. Geezz, sometimes I'm so afraid of trying anymore. The more I try to fix thing, the more it backfires on me.

Ah, but anyway, good thing i only bitch and whinne on the net. Heh.

Sigh....luck luck luck.


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