Monday, August 22, 2005

Blogging without a cause. Yet it's so significant to me.

Everyday day, when I go online, I'll at least once go back to my blog page. And sometimes when I do feel like there's something that I'd like to get off my chest, I'll go the log in page and start blogging.

Why I keep doing this? Well, as anyone who does frequently read my lame blogs will notice it, that I don't really use it as online diary to post all my daily, weekly or whatever time frame incident, experience or whatever. Apart form the fact that no one cares or interested to read about what I eat or how boring my class is everyday, well, blogging sometimes gives me the feeling like I'm talking to someone. Perhaps yeah, I'm talking to either my computer, myself, or both. Hey, everyone sometimes need to talk to someone ain't they. To let everything out, just to feel better for the moment, though its just for the moment.

BTW, yesterday I saw someone YM status with the statement "Sometimes it's easier to talk to the wall. It's always to listent to you."

This is life, when you're not one of those fortunet ones who have lots of friends around you all of the time, where they just don't runs our of listener. I ain't one of them, perhaps that's why I've started blogging, and will always will.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my goodness..u took the words rite out of my mouth!...yeah.i mean the part abt talking to myself or the imaginery someone.i've been doing that since i was young, but it's not becoz i lack of freinds.In fact i have 1 too many...being generally a gregarious soul.

since i started to 'peep' at ppl's blog ..i've been thinking maybe i shld do it too...but heck..writer's block always gets in the it has remained 'blocked' rather than'blog' ...4 now...Until i get rid of my procastination disease.


12:25 AM  
Blogger Garry said...

Oh, so that idea was from your blog? Ok, should've ask your permission first. Heh. Sorry mate, I do remember getting the idea from somewhere, and felt that i kinda relates to me and so use it. In fact I does it whenever I comes across anything that I can relates to myself. So much so that I sometimes lost track of where those ideas from, and so I hardly gives credits or mention by whom my post was inspired by. =P

Anyway, good thing that u have too many friends. Me for once, would like to have a feel of such problem. ;)

1:02 AM  

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