Thursday, February 24, 2005

It just doesn't cut it...

Hmm...blogging from a public computer is something new to me. Due to the unfortunate fact that all MMU students suddenly got hardworking and start to flood the library, i couldn't find a place there and so I ended up going to the computer lab. Anyway, it's kinda strange coz well, everyone around could see what I'm typing. But then again, this blog it's self is public. Hell, who cares.

Anyway, i flop my mid term test again, dammit. This computer algorithm thing just isn't for me. Maybe I study one too little. I guess my studying way just doesn't cut it anymore. Well, nothing that I do lately does. Man, just when I tought things couldn't get any worst.

Sometimes, i just wish that i was someone else. Someone who isn't a game addict, someone whom has a life, someone whom doesn't loose everything he ever had, someone who had it all. I sometimes just look at my friends and all I could do is to wish i was a lil' more like him. Hardworking, does well in academic, talented in programming, and most importantly, he could socialize well, which make him a person with more life than me. And this kind of persom just got it all, while me, nothing I does is ever perfect. Although I've tried to many times, it seems like the harder I push, the more it backfires on me.

But oh well, one thing for sure is that I can't not be what I am. It's just so hard to change. This is me i guess, and it'll always be me. I ain't perfect but I am who I am. I just hope one day I'll have a reason to be proud to be me.


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