You'll Be Sorry When I'm Gone

Today, one year ago, was the day Blink 182 annouce their indefinite hiatus.
To keep things short, I just love all their music, be it humor stuff such as What's My Age Again or the heavily emo What Went Wrong. There's just many songs that, in a way or another, I could relate it to me. And What Went Wrong will be the first accoustic song I'd ever wants to learn to play.
Anyway, as some fans around the world are keeping their fingers crossed, as for the time being, there isn't seems to be any indication that says they might be coming back together one day, though Tom once said that they are still bounded by recording agreements and so one day, he and Mark will have to come back into talking terms again. But to be honest, I don't really think that'll happened again.
Sometimes when things change, it just change for good and there's no way it'll ever be the same again, at least not like before, no matter how huge a contract those guys are still on.
I wish them all the best.
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