Monday, July 25, 2005

It's just all about time.

Recently when I looked at my academic timetable, I realize that I was approaching half semester already. I was kinda surprise by it, given how fast time passes. In fact when I told my friend about it last week, he was surprise too. I could swear I still can’t remember the details of my daily timetable and all my classes venue. I could swear I still can’t address my lecturer by his name. And here we are, half way through the semester.

Anyway, that’s almost 8 weeks since the sem started. Yes, it’s been 2 months, and I guess that, well, lots of things changes in such a long span of time. Perhaps, people changes, things changes as time passes. It’s all about adapting to changes, which is something that perhaps I can’t comprehend yet.

Well, this means the break is just around the corner. I hope this time I’ll be able to do some serious revision, as there won’t be any class for a week, No more excuse of being tired whatsoever.

I guess that’s all for now. Just hope that the second half if this sem will bring some better times. I desperately need it. I can’t go on with all this things bugging in my mind. I’ve screwed up my finals badly once, and I swear it was hell. I never want to go through that shit again this time.


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