Friday, September 26, 2008

Familiar Landscape

Its somewhat a familiar feeling, with me at the corner of a large lecture hall, occasionally watching from afar. It felt just like yesterday, one that I really miss. Didn't I use to do that so often in the past? Maybe I was this person who could only do that much, just "cloak" myself in the wrong corner of the class and watch from afar.

But still, what I wouldn't give to go back to those days. I don't think words can express what all those things meant to me. Every little thing that may appears to be insignificant to others.

Sometimes I see things in my own way, and thats probably a problem with me, though honestly, till this moment I always wondered where did I go wrong, again and again. I just always wanted to make things better, and each time when it seems like so, I just somehow capable of unconsciously mess things up, and I don't know how to prevent that.

Ah well, enough of that.

Anyway I'm glad today, even if it was just a few glimpse, in a room full of people. Afterall, I'm just another face in that crowd.

And it just make me wish I could turn back time, go back and, even if I can't change anything, there's nothing I wouldn't give to live through it all again.

If only I could turn back time
If only I could say what I still hide
If only I could...


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