Sunday, May 29, 2005

X360 at work

Below here are some screenshot of actual in-game evironment, or in other words, real time rendering. It's being run on the latest console, xBox 360. The application is Test Drive Unlimited, an upcoming auto racing simulator for the xBox 360.

Note that these picture are 3D rendered picture, they are NOT real life pciture.

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As it should be in real life, the sun glare is very painful to the eye, literally. Overburning effect is being use to make such effect.

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Note the reflection off the car surface. This kind of effect utilizes programmable shading technique, which menas a load of processing power is consumed

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Another realistic picture of a car

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Everything is so detailed, even the background looks as real as it should

These are some of the capabalities of these new gen console. Although traditionally it takes developers about 2 years to be able to utilize a console, it does seems to me that this game had somehow take a large chunk of it's processing capabilities, if not all, to render such images. It's hard to imagine if it's capable of anything more than that. Duh.


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