Saturday, June 03, 2006

Same old same old

When I was young, my grandmom's house use to have alot of grasshoppers around. Now what I once did (was what I learn from my friends LOL) was catching a few of em, and I actually remove the two back legs (yeah, cruel me) just so it wont hopped as its name suggest, and put them in a small plastic, transparrent container. I put some water and grass in it, in hopes that it will survive. Needless to say, it didn't last long.

Ahem, alright, now that I'm done with LOLing.

That was dumb, I know, but I barely knows a single thing about biology, only learning those sordid stuff from friends (sort of blind leading the blind situation). Of course, I've since learned that they could not live without those legs, and those grass I feed them was a joke.

But now that more than a decade has since passed, I actually finds myself very much the same. Always wanting something without knowing all the fundamental things that I should well knew before hand. Well, perhaps it goes down to the confidence that I had in me, that had blinded me. I keep thinking, yeah I can go for it, give it a try, only to realize later that it screws up so much that if I ever had the choice, I wouldn't do what i did.

But then again, there was a difference here. When those grasshoppers died, I just threw them away. But now, for each and every mistake I makes, the repercussion stays. Like the saying goes, you do the crime you pay the time.


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